
Peru Apostille



The Apostille is a certification by which the Peruvian government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, legalizes the authenticity of the signature and the title with which the Peruvian official who signs a document issued in Peru and that will have legal effects acted before a country that is a member of the Hague Convention on the Abolition of the Legalization Requirement for Foreign Public Documents of 1961. It entered into force for Peru on September 30, 2010. 


- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru apostille only documents issued by Peruvian authorities.
- Only original documents and / or certified copies are apostilled with the signature of the previously registered competent authority.
- If the country to which the document is to be presented requires its translation, it will also have to be apostilled.
- The documents must have the prior signatures required by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, before being apostilled. 

*Electronic Apostille

The Peruvian Foreign Ministry will soon make the electronic apostille service available to our users. This mechanism will allow users to carry our, through any electronic means (computer, laptop, cell phone, etc.), the certification of electronic documents from a distance. In this way, the Foreign Ministry will be able to certify and digitally sign electronic documents that can be downloaded by users, without the need to physically go to an office. The electronic apostille may be presented to any country that is part of the Hague Convention. Likewise, any person may verify the validation of the certification through the website of “Consultation of Certification of Firms”.

For more information 

-> apo@allminwon.com

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