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Get Australia Apostille Easily


Hi! This is KICPC

Let me introduce 

'How to get Australia Apostille Easily?'

'Apostille' is a certificate that authenticates the signature of a public official 

on a document for use in another country.

As Australia and Republic of Korea(South Korea) concluded an Apostille agreement,

you can use  apostilled Australian document officially in South Korea.

Also, you can use apostilled South Korean document officially in Australia.

It does not have an expiry date once physically attached to a document. 

When a certificate is apostilled it should always be valid for use overseas in countries that recognise the apostille. 

However, some organisations may request the apostille has been issued within a specific period of time. 

The process of apostille is
civil document issuance, translation and notarization then apostille 

If you are not in Australia now, it is hard to get Australia apostille.

To make matters worse, you have to contact professional translator and notarization agency in person in Australia. 

In this case, you have to go Australia to get Apostille and it will take long time to be issued. 

Here is a solution for you.

If you use KICPC service, you can get Australia apostille

even though you are not in Australia now.

KICPC provides professional translation, notarization and delivery at once.

What you have to do is JUST contact us quickly and wait comfortably.

Please, don't hesitate to contact us.

For more information

KICPC website :

Email :

Customer Support : +821989962182

Office hours : 9am - 6pm Mon to Fri

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