
The fastest way to get Canada consular legalization is KICPC!!


Hi this is KICPC!!

Today I'm going to introduce you 

Canada Consular legalization.

In order to receive documents of non-member countries' apostille,

you need to get consular legalization. 

To obtain consular legalization,


First, translate the document.

Second, notarize the document.

Third, Ministry of Foreign Affairs verify the document.

Fourth, obtain Embassy Legalization.

-->You will get verified national documents.

You might feel this process is too difficult.

So, KICPC is going to help you.

KICPC will go through all these steps instead.

KICPC is a team of offering accurate, reliable and affordable services.

We provide you translation/notarization, apostille, 

embassy legalization, criminal record check, or any other civil documents instead.

Visit KICPC and get help with Canada Consular legalization. 

For more information


Office Hours : 9am-6pm Mon to Fri

Email : apo@allminwon.com

Customer Service : +821090062182

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