
Q&A about Taiwan Criminal Record!!


Hi this is KICPC!!

How is your day?

A lot of you might be having a hard time because of Covid-19. 

I hope we can go back to our ordinary life as soon as possible. 

Today I'm going to tell you about Taiwan Criminal Record

Let's see questions and answers below!


Q : I need a criminal record. How can I get Taiwan Criminal Record?

A : 

First, you will have to get notarization of documents. 

Second, Send the documents to ministry of foreign affairs.

Third, Get an embassy attestation.

Q : Can I use Apostille instead of consular legalization?

A : No you may not.

Since Taiwan is not the member of Apostille, 

you will have to go through consular legalization. 

Q : Can I get Taiwan Criminal Record without going to Taiwan? 

A : Unfortunately not... You will have to go back to Taiwan and get the documents. 

Q : I cannot go back to Taiwan because of Covid-19 and I need it right now!!

Can anyone help me with the documents?

A : I think you are finding me ^^

KICPC can help you~!~

"Visit our website and click the Criminal Record 

with Korea Mission Attested (in Taiwan)"

KICPC will help you with reliable, accurate and affordable service. 

If you choose the premium version, 

you might be able to get documents in 15 days (except the delivery).

For more information


Office Hours : 9am-6pm Mon to Fri

Email : apo@allminwon.com

Contact :  +82 2 747 2185 

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