
Background Check Certificate for Foreigners in S.Korea


Background Check Certificate 

for Foreigners in South Korea

Hi! This is KICPC

Have you lived in S.Korea?

Are you living in S.Korea for a long?

If you are, or you have, before you go abroad to another country, 

please check the Background Check Certificate for Foreigners

What is the Background Check Certificate?

Background Check Certificate as known as Criminal Record Check 

is an official document containing 

whether or not an applicant has a criminal record.

Simply, it refers to the Criminal Record Check in South Korea.

Why is the Background Check Certificate required?

Background Check Certificate(Criminal Record Check) would be required 

in the following situations: 

employment or immigration to another country, 

visa or passport issuance, financial transactions, and adoption.

Available Applicants

 Korean nationals living abroad

 Foreign nationals who lived in Korea in the past

 Korean nationals as well as foreigners who currently live in Korea

(Source: Embassy of the Republic of Korea)

How to Get a Background Check Certificate

with KICPC?

1. Visit KICPC website:


2. Click ‘Civil Documents’ on the top of the website

3. Click ‘Police/soldier/court/prosecution’ 

at Civil Documents Service List

4. Choose the documents you need

5. Payment

If you want to use the Background Check Certificate abroad, 

you may go through Apostille or Embassy Legalization.

So, KICPC has options for service include Apostille or Embassy Legalization.

KICPC is a global company specializing in 

Certificate Issuance, Translation, Notarization, and Apostille 

all over the World.

If you have difficulty in getting a Criminal Record Check, 

KICPC can give you detailed instructions.

For more information,

Contact Info.

Office Hours: 9 am-6 pm Monday-Friday

Web site: global.allminwon.com

Customer Support: +82 2 747 2185

Email: apo@allminwon.com

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