
You can get Canada criminal records quickly with KICPC!!


Hi this is KICPC!!

Today I am going to tell you about Canada Criminal records!!

A lot of people will be curious about what the Criminal record is.

Let's move on to the definition of Criminal record first. 

Definition of Criminal record

Criminal Record refers to looking up an identity or a criminal history. 

When is the Criminal record required? 

Criminal Record must be submitted as a required document in situations

 such as employment or immigration to another country, visa or passport issuance, 

financial transactions, and adoption. 

How to get the Criminal record?

The way to get the criminal record is going to Canada and get it.

First, you will need to go to Canada.

Second, Bring the fingerprint document to local police. 

Then your criminal record will be on the process. 


It is too difficult to go to Canada to get the criminal records.

So, KICPC will get the criminal record instead.  


If you go to global.allminwon.com 

You will see the Criminal Record check.

The only thing you need to do is click the Canada criminal check

 and choose the option you want. 

Visit our website and contact us!

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Email : apo@allminwon.com

Contact : +82 2747 2185


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