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Essential Steps To Prepare For Korea in India


No matter who you are or where you're from, we've all heard about Korea once in our life. Whether it's the 

culinary arts: "Kimchi," or K-POP: BTS. Korea was always a part of our travel destination plans.

Now to be part of its culture, occupation-wise or academic-wise, regardless of wherever you are from, you

NEED to get an Apostille certification to get to your wishlist. Per se, you are to apply to a university or a 

company in Korea, it is necessary for you to prepare specific documents for your applications.

*No idea what an Apostille is? Scroll down!


STEP 1 : Know your required documents and get printing!

STEP 2 : Translate your native language documents to Korean

STEP 3 : All translated documents MUST be notarized by a lawyer.

STEP 4 : Go to the Apostille Covention, such as the Ministry of External Affairs, and get Apostilled

STEP 5 : Have the BEST time of your life in Korea  

 *"Apostille” is a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. In general, after the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' and 'Embassy Legalization', the reliability of the national document is verified, but there is an inconvenience in terms of time and cost. To resolve this inconvenience, without consular legalization through 

overseas consulates among the member countries, Apostille has appeared, which recognizes documents with Apostille as 

legalized documents.

Still a Puzzler?

Visit KICPC.

KICPC provide one-stop services that handle all the hassles such as translations, certifications, and 

notarizations, etc.

For more questions, contact KICPC!

via WEB,

via EMAIL,

via TEL, +82-10-9006-2182

Office hours: 9:00 ~ 18:00, Weekdays ONLY.

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