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Apostille : Germany



a country that you must have heard of somewhere either in your 

history class, through cars, or from sports, etc.
This country is known for its history, for its marvelous ways of manufacturing cars, and also for its greatness in football(soccer). It is a country that everyone around the globe wishes to visit at least once in their lifetime.

Now, in order for us to make a living in this country, or go elsewhere after having lived in Germany,

we need to get an apostille.

If you have no idea what an apostille is, follow along.
Easy and efficient steps to getting apostille for your required documents will be guided.

WHAT is an apostille?

A form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries that participate in 

the Hague Convention of 1961.

In general, after the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs' and the 'Embassy Legalization,'

the reliability of the national document is verified,

but there is an inconvenience in terms of time and cost.

To resolve this inconvenience, without consular legalization through

overseas consulates among the member countries,

apostille appeared, which recognizes documents with apostille as legalized documents.

Apostille is needed when you want to make documents eligible.

As documents are submitted internationally,

they need to be certificated.

First, get your documents translated in the language

appropriate for your usage.

Then get your documents notarized and apostilled.

Notarization must be handed to a notary lawyer.

Last, get it certified by the embassy.

IF you still have trouble understanding,

do not hesitate to contact or visit KICPC.

We provide a one-stop service that helps you save time and

all the hassle in the process.

For more information

Office Hours : 9 am ~ 6 pm, Monday ~ Friday

via TEL : +82-10-9006-2182

via EMAIL :

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