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Tips on Apostille In Japan


Guidelines on how to get an apostille on your graduation certificate.

First of all,

WHAT is an apostille?

It is a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. In General, after the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs," and "embassy certification," the reliability of the national document is verified, but there is an inconvenience in terms of time and cost. To resolve this inconvenience, without consular legalization through overseas consulates among the member countries, apostille has appeared, which recognizes documents with apostille as legalized documents.

In other words, the document is only valid in the country where you issued the document, and to validate your document in a foreign country, you have to get an apostille on your doucments.

HOW to get an apostille in Japan

1. Get the graduation certificate from your institute.

2. Get a notarization by a Japanese notary on the graduation certificate.

3. Go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan and receive an apostille.

An apostille is made for our convenience,

However, it sometimes can make us uncomfortable.

If you return to your home country without an apostille,

you need to go back to the country you've got the documents issued

and get an apostille.

With this comes along the accommodation fee, airfare, and time.

It so much of a hassle and a waste of time.

Currently with the pandemic? It's the worst.

Now, if you have a hard time getting through with these procedures,

our services are on and running!

At any time of the day, you are welcome to visit


For more information:

TEL: +82-10-9006-2182

via Email:

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