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Get your document apostilled in South Korea? Try KICPC!!


Good Morning / Afternoon

This is KICPC!

Korean Integrated Civil Petition Center

Today we are going to introduce about how to get your document apostilled in Korea(when you want to submit 

your document you get in Korea to other countries). 

What is an Apostille?

First of all, let me briefly introduce about what is apostille. Normally, when you get your document in Korea, and 

you want to submit this document to another country, then originally you need to get your document translated and 

get notarized. Next, you need to get your notarized document verified in Korean consulate and then after verified from Korean consulate you need submit this document to korean local embassy(the country that you want to submit your 

document to. After all of these steps, you can finally submit your document to the country you want.

Apostille is a convention or like a list of countries that involves 118 countries. If that country is in apostille 

convention then you don't need to get your document verified from Korean local embassy(This embassy is the one 

that you need to submit your document to. E.g American emabssy in Korea), you just need to submit your notarized 

documents to Korean foreign consulate, which means it makes things much more easier than before.

Why you need to get apostille in Korea?

People may ask that why I need to get apostilled on my document? Is it necessary? There are many reasons that 

you need to get your documents apostilled such as for educational purpose or for your future career. For example, you are in Korea and you want to find a job in the USA. Korea and America are two countries, if you have your graduate 

cerificate in Korea, and you need to submit that document to American company. In this situation, the American 

company will ask you to get your document apostilled in Korea first, becuase American company has no way to check your documents, and this is why apostille is here to check the document for the company. It helped many people in 

different ways. People don't need to go to the local embassy to get their document verified anymore, they just need to go to Korean consualte to get apostille verified, and that's it!

Apostille procedure? (Application procedure)

Next, let me introduce you about the exact procedure of applying apostille in Korea.

First of all, you need to get your document you want in Korea. Normally you need to get it in Korean offical 

organization, but if you are a business man or you are a student who need to attend your class everyday, we can help 

you to apply your application and you don't need to get it by your own

Second of all, you need to translate your document to the language you want. For example, if you want to submit 

your document to the United States of America, then you need to translate your document into English. 

Third of all, after you translate your document into the language you want, that's not finished yet. You need to get 

your translated document notarized from notary public. This is to verify that the translated document has translated 

right. This often done by professinal translater who has translate certificate. Even if you can translate your document perfectly, but if you are not a authorized translater then your document can not be notarized which means your 

document can not be submitted into Korean consualte and get apostilled. Also not only translate notarization is 

needed, sometimes some foreign companies or universities may ask you to provide notarization of your copied 

document, which means you need to find a notary public to notarize that your copied document is the copied version of your orginal document. Other than that, there are other notarization that you can do for your documents. Since 

there are many kinds of documents, so before you apply please don't hesiate and give us a phone call, and we will 

answer your questions!!!

Finally, after all of these, you can finally apply apostille. You just need to fill a registration form and get your 

notarized document and scanned copy of your ID card.

Wanna find a easier way to get your Apostille? (Try KICPC)

Even apostille is convenient, and it can save your time, but still it is complicated. Our company(KICPC), we can 

help you to finish this application in one step. You don't need to visit Korean consulate, you just need to submit some required documents and fill out the registration form then we can do it for you~

For more information or if you want us to proceed your document, please send the email to Please attach all of your documents and write a short message about your requests. After we checked your document and we will send you a quotation, and you just need to send the money to our company and 

we will proceed your document immediately.

What is KICPC?

KICPC (Korean Integrated Civil Petition Center) is a company makes your life much more easier. We can help you to simplify your application procedure. Sometimes when you want to verify or notarize your documents, you always 

need to visit many places to get it done. In KICPC, we help customers to finish all those complicated procedures. All 

you need to do is to fill out the registration form and send the document to us, and we can help you out!!

Contact us

Visit our website for more information:

Call us if you have any questions:

Korea +82 2-747-2180

USA +1-213-394-0585

UK +44-20-3285-6411

Australia +64-28-188-2101

China +86-105-789-7358

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