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Apostille In France



A travel destination for almost everyone in the globe.

Of course, the Eiffel Tower, a monument that no one does not know about.

Then there's the Louvre Museum, a dreamland for people that are artistic,

it is filled with masterpieces of art.

For me personally, I would do all the above,

but I would definitely watch a game of football in France.

It is the country that plays the beautiful game in creative ways.

I can only imagine how hard it is for someone to leave a place

like France for other purposes elsewhere.

However, if you are reading this blog due to departure,

please note that certain documents are to be prepared

and apostille is required.

Your purpose could be for occupation, education, or travel.

Depending on your purpose, preparation documents may vary.

And these documents are the source to identify or prove who you are

and what you have achieved in your lifetime.

I advise you to ask your institute or company

of the documents they require from you in a detailed manner.

Also, your documents are to be translated

and it has to be done through an official translator.

In other words, it must be done through a person

with a certification or profession of translating.


a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries

that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961.

In general, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassy certification,

the reliability of the national documents is verified,

but it is inconvenient in terms of time and cost.

As a resolution, without consular legalization through overseas consulates

among the member countries, apostille appeared.

Which recognizes documents with apostille as legalized documents.

In summary, documents are only valid where it was issued.

For it to be valid elsewhere, documents must be authenticated by

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is an apostille.

In short, apostille is the main source to verify your documents.

If you are still lost, do not worry.

These procedures are hard to understand for those

experiencing it for the first time.

Just don't panic because

KICPC is here for you.

KICPC is a global company specializing in

certificate issuance, translation, notarization, and apostille.

And provides agency in 118 countries.

Like I've mentioned before, if you have left Czech Republic

without a certain necessary document,

KICPC is here to handle your documents.

First step is CONSULTATION,

which helps both the customers and KICPC

to understand the requirements with precision.

Second step is ORDER.

After communication, clients makes order via online.

Third step is APOSTILLE.

It is the process of KICPC preparing the documents for the clients.

Final step is DELIVERY.

KICPC delivers the documents to the client's front door.

Wherever you go, I wish you all the best

and hope this blog has helped you in the slightest.

If you ever need a guide through document preparation,

feel free to contact KICPC.



via EMAIL:

via TEL: +82-10-9006-2182

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