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안녕하세요~!한국통합민원센터(주) 배달의민원 입니다! 오늘은 대학교나 대학원 입학을 위해서 프랑스 현지 아포스티유가 필요하신 분들에게아주 유용한 정보를 들고왔습니다~! 차근차근 …
Good Morning / AfternoonThis is KICPC!Korean Integrated Civil Petition CenterToday we are going to …
Denmarkknown for the high-quality of their design and architecture.Such as the Tivoli Gardens, Fred…
APOSTILLEIf you’re going overseas for work, study, or permanent residence, you may be asked for ide…
Greeceyou've probably heard of the Greek Mythology, Acropolisand all the other beautiful touris…
United KingdomGreatly known for its historical impact on our globeand the beautiful game of footbal…
WHAT?Often when planning to live elsewhere, we need to submit documents such as diplomatic document…
How to Get China Embassy Legalization in the UK?for whom wants to get China Embassy Legalization in…
Let's Get Driver's License Apostilled in the U.K.for BritishHi! This is KICPCToday, let me …
Get Your Driver's License Apostilled to Use in the U.K.Hi! This is KICPC again!You may need a d…
How to Get UK Diploma Apostille?Hello! This is KICPCCongratulations on your university graduation!Y…
How to Get USA Document Apostilled to Work in the UK?for the Americans plan to work in the UK Hi! …