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도산 명언 모음 - 1


도산 안창호 (島山 安昌浩)

Dosan Ahn Chang-ho

1878. 11. 9. – 1938. 3. 10.


1. 내가 이에 간절히 부탁하는 바는 이것이외다.  여러분은 힘을 기르소서힘을 기르소서 말씀이외다.

2. 힘은 건전한 인격과 공고한 단결에서 난다는 것을 나는 확실히 믿는다그러므로 인격 훈련과 단결 훈련   가지를 청년 제군에게 간절히 요구하는 바이다

3. 세상의 모든 일은 힘의 산물이다.  힘이 적으면 적게 이루고 힘이 크면 크게 이루고 만일 힘이 없으면 도무지 일은 하나도 이룰 수가 없다.  그러므로 누구든지 자기의 목적을 달하려는 자는 먼저  힘을 찾을 것이다.

4. 천사만려(千思萬慮)하여 보아도 우리의 독립을 위하여 믿고 바랄 바는 오직 우리의 힘이외다.


5. 네 가죽 속과  가죽 속에 있는 거짓을 버리고 ()으로 채우자고 거듭 거듭 맹서합시다.

6. 진리는 반드시 따르는 자가 있고 정의는 반드시 이루는 날이 있다고 나는 믿소.

7. 우리는 어디를 가든지 오직 정의돈수(情誼敦修 글자에 의지해서 삽시다.

8. 왜 우리 사회는 이렇게 차오훈훈한 기운이 없소.  서로 사랑하는 마음으로 빙그레 웃는 세상을 만들어야 하겠소.

9. 나는 우리 민족의 장래에  소망을 가집니다.  나는 우리 민족의 본질에 대하여 조금도 비관을 품지 아니 합니다.  우리는 넉넉히 대사업을 이룰 민족이라고 굳게 믿습니다.

10. 속이거나 거짓말 하지 아니하고 진실하여 신용의 자본을 동맹 저축합시다.    가지 이상의 학술이나 기술을 학수하여 전문 직업을 감당할 만한 지식의 자본을 동맹 저축합시다.  자기 수입에서 10분지 2 이상을 저금하여 적어도 십원 이상의 금전의 자본을 동맹 저축합시다.

출처안병욱민족의 스승 도산 안창호.


1. This is what I eagerly ask for.  Raise your strength, raise your strength, and this is what I want to say.

2. I certainly believe that strength comes from sound character and solid unity. Therefore, I desperately demand both personality training and unity training for young men. 

3. Everything in the world is a product of strength.  If you have little strength, you will achieve little, and if you have great strength, you will achieve greatness.  If you do not have strength, you cannot achieve anything.  Therefore, whoever wants to achieve his purpose will first find his strength. 

4. Even if you think and consider many ways, what you believe and hope for our independence is only our strength. 

5. Let's pledge repeatedly to throw away the lies in your skin and things in my skin and fill it with your sincerity. 

6. I believe that there is a man following truth and the day that justice will come true. 

7. Wherever we go, let's live only by relying on the four letters of Jeong-Eui-Don-Su (情誼敦修) which has the meaning that let’s try to work with each other to be more lovable and compassionate. 

8. Why is our society so cold? There is no warm energy.  We must make a world that smiles around with love for each other. 

9. I have great hope for the future of our people.  I do not have any pessimism about the nature of our people.  We firmly believe that we are a people who will achieve great business. 

10. Let's not deceive or lie but be sincere and save the capital of credit alliance.  Let's all save the capital of knowledge enough to afford a professional career by studying more than one academic or technical skill in the alliance.  Let's save at least two-tenths of one's income and save at least ten Won or more of capital in the alliance. 

Source: Ahn Byung-wook, Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, Master of the Korean People. 

도산 명언집 - Dosan's Words Collection 

(c) 2021

김상안 편집 / Edited by Sangan Kim

솔티 번역 / Translated by Solti

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