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도산 명언 모음 - 3


도산 안창호 (島山 安昌浩)

Dosan Ahn Chang-ho

1878. 11. 9. – 1938. 3. 10.


21. 위인이란  물건이 아니오.  위인의 마음으로 위인의 일을 하는 자가 위인입니다.

22. 나는 나의 생명을 다하여 나의 오늘에  일을 오늘마다에 다하여 보려고 힘씁니다.

23. 안창호가 죽어서 한국이 독립된다면 죽으리라.

24. 서로 약속한 것을  지켜야 정의(情誼) 무너지지 않습니다.  만일 한다고  것을 그대로 안하면 서운한 마음이 생깁니다.  그러므로 신의를 확수하는 것이 정의를 기르는데  가지 조건이 됩니다.

25. 나는 여러분의 머리가 되려 하지 않습니다.  여러분을 섬기려 왔습니다.

26. 거짓말을 잘하는 습관을 가진  입을 개조하여 참된 말만 하도록 합시다.   보기 싫어하는  눈을 개조하여  보기를 즐겨하도록 합시다.  게으른 습관을 가진  사지(四肢) 개조하여 활발하고 부지런한 사지를 만듭시다.

27. 남들에게 합하지 않는다편당만 짓고 싸움만 한다고 원망하고 꾸짖는  사람들만  모이어서 합동하더라도 적어도  백만 명은 되리라.

28. 묻노니 여러분이시여!  오늘 대한 사회의 주인되는 이가 얼마나 됩니까......   민족 사회에 대하여 스스로 책임심이 있는 이는 주인이요책임심이 없는 이는 여객입니다......  진정한 주인에게는 비관도 없고 낙관도 없고  일인 고로 오직 어찌하면 우리 민족 사회를 건질까하는 책임심뿐입니다.

29. 오늘날 우리가 요구하는 합동은 민족적 감정으로 하는 합동이 아니요민족적 사업에 대한 합동이다.

30. 서로 신용이 없으면 방침이 서로 같더라도 합동될 수가 없고서로 신용이 없으면 공통한 목적과 방법을 세우기부터 불가능할 것이다.

출처: 안병욱, 민족의 스승 도산 안창호.


  1. 21. A great man is not a big thing.  It is a great man who does the work of a great man with the heart of a great man. 

  1. 22. I will do my best to do what I should do today with all my life. 

  1. 23. If Ahn Chang-ho dies and Korea becomes independent, I will die. 

  1. 24. You must keep what we have promised so that friendship will not collapse.  If you don't do what you said, you will feel sad.  Therefore, affirming faithfulness is a condition for fostering friendship. 

  1. 25. I don't want to be your head. I have come to serve you. 

  1. 26. Let's change the mouth that has the habit of liking well so that only true words are spoken.  Let's change the eyes that don't like to read texts and enjoy reading books.  Let's make those limbs that have a lazy habit and make them active and diligent. 

  1. 27. If the people saying that I don't agree with others and who resent and rebuke for just building parties and fighting are all gathered, and even if they united, there will be at least a few million. 

  1. 28. I ask, everyone! How many people are the masters of Korean society today?...  The one who takes responsibility for that national society is the owner, and the one who does not take responsibility is the passenger...  The true owner has no pessimism, no optimism, and because of this, it is only the responsibility to save our national society. 

  1. 29. The union we are demanding today is not a union based on national sentiment, but a union on national business. 

  1. 30. Without mutual trust, even if the policies are the same, they cannot be united, and without mutual trust, it will be impossible to establish a common purpose and method. 

Source: Ahn Byung-wook, Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, Master of the Korean People. 

도산 명언집 - Dosan's Words Collection 

(c) 2021

김상안 편집 / Edited by Sangan Kim

솔티 번역 / Translated by Solti

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