
How to Get NBI Clearance While in Abroad


How to Get NBI Clearance While in Abroad 

The Secure and Convenient Way to Issue Your Vital Records

  1. What is NBI Clearance Certificate?

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Clearance Certificate is a government document released to an individual upon request. It certifies that the said individual, at the time of request, is not involved in any ongoing criminal cases in the Philippines.

NBI Clearance covers the entire Philippines. A person’s NBI Clearance is valid for a year upon its request, and should be used before then.

  1. Why is NBI required?

If you have stayed in Philippines for several months or years, your country of residence may need your NBI Clearance to know whether you have history of crimes in Philippines or not.

In most cases, it is required by potential employer as proof that you are not involved in any pending crime cases. Immigration, visa applications and international travel are also the examples of where your NBI Clearance is required.

In general, it is better to always have a valid NBI Clearance on hand because you will often need to spend time to process requesting for one. It is valid for a period of time so it should be renewed before it expires.

  1. How can I get NBI if I’m working abroad now?

You can apply for your NBI Clearance through sending posts to Philippines. But you should prepare all the required documents by yourself and send them in the mail (EMS). It should include the Fingerprint Card form authenticated by the Consulate so that the document can be considered legal for use in the Philippines. Usually, it takes more than a month for the documents to arrive.

Additionally, if you are going to submit NBI to other country which is apostille joined country, you need to get an apostille for the document (Translation and notarization may be necessary depending on the country).

Otherwise, if the country is non-apostille joined country, you need to get consular and embassy certification instead of apostille.

  1. It’s way too complicated! 
  2. What if I can’t spend enough time for APOSTILLE 
  3. or Embassy Certification and I need NBI ASAP?

So, KICPC is here for you!

KICPC offers every process such as 

issuing, translation, consular service, 

embassy certificate (notarization, apostille) 

with just one click! 

You just need to send us the required documents and fill out the forms. 

You can get NBI by mail, e-mail, fax or other methods if you want. 

Requirements and issuable documents vary among the countries, 

so please consult with KICPC before Apostille application.

For more information, visit our website.

Website: global.allminwon.com

E-mail: apo@allminwon.com

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