
Consent letter for children travelling abroad


Consent letter for children travelling abroad

If children are planning to travel abroad without parents, do you know there are required documents?

Many countries strongly recommend that children carry a consent letter if they are travelling abroad alone, with only one parent/guardian, with friends or relatives or with a group.

Although it’s not a legal requirement but it may be requested by immigration authorities when entering or leaving a foreign country. The letter demonstrates that children have permission to travel abroad from parents or guardians who are not accompanying them.

You can easily download form from website of airlines or government but still there are more process to go for consent letter. Many governments highly recommend that parents talk to a lawyer about the legal issues that apply to you and your children’s unique situation, particularly if your parenting arrangement has special terms governing international travel. Only carrying a consent letter does not guarantee that children will be allowed to enter or leave a country, as every country has its own entry and exit requirements.

For the agreement to be legal, the professional translator must be translated into English or the language of the country and then after notarized documents should get Apostille. You must also submit family relation certificate in English. This process is time-consuming and costs a lot for an individual to proceed alone.

So here, KICPC will help you!

KICPC provides a service for consent letter for children traveling abroad.

From issuance of family relations certificate to consent form, translation, notarization and Apostille, you can handle all the processes quickly and easily at once.

If you are preparing a consent letter for children traveling abroad for your children's safe journey,

please visit global.allminwon.com or for the questions send us e-mail to apo@allminwon.com

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