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Documents for your kids to study in Korea!


Hello from KICPC! 

More and more foreigners are coming to Korea for business or as expatriates. 

As the number of foreigners are increasing, the demand of education for their children also is increasing in Korea. 

There are 2 types of education for foreigner.

  1. 1. Local Korean school

This is the option for children with sufficient Korean language skills. Children lacking fluency in Korean might be difficult to adjust to school life. Korean schools are divided into public and private schools. Public elementary schools are free (except for meal). Private elementary schools cost more expansive than public, but the middle and high school cost reasonable. Compare with international schools, there are much cheaper.

Entrance document

For the entrance local Korean schools, foreigner must submit those documents.

-Enrollment certificate or graduate certificate

-Transcript (translation and notarization)

-Certificate of entry & exit

  • -
    • Family relation certificate 

  •      -Certificate of alien registration or domestic 

  • residence
    •  confirmation

  •      -Resident register

  1. 2. International Schools

International school is better option for children lacking fluency in Korean. Most of foreigners send their children to international schools. But, be prepared to spend US$ 12,000~20,000 a year for elementary, middle or high school. It means international schools provide a quality foreign language education environment. English language international schools usually follow American or British curricula. 

Apply requirement

  • -Student residing in Korea and one of parent has foreign passport or proof document of foreigner.

  • -Student residing abroad who has foreign passport and foreign student visa 

  • -Student have been abroad or studied more than 3 years.

Entrance document

To confirm that student meet the apply requirement check one of the documents below.

  •             -Certificate exit & entry

  •              -Transcript and Enrollment certificate (translation and notarization),

  •              -Foreign passport, 

        • Certificate of alien registration and Family relation certificate

Many documents and procedures are required for foreigners to enter school. 

Especially, some documents are required translation and notarization. 

KICPC offer those documents issuance, translation, notarization and international delivery

If you need any documents for entrance school, don’t hesitate to visit our web site.

And ask what you need!

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  • allminwon12
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