
Did you have worked in Korea? Get Career certificate of Korean company in your country!


Hello from KICPC!

Recently, many people come to Korea to work. Various companies in Korea need foreign experts, and more and more foreigners live and work in Korea. The foreign workers go back to their company after working in Korea need to proof their career experience abroad to apply other work. 

In this case, they need Career certificate from Korea, usually required translation and notarization. 

But, if you are already back to your country, it’s hard to get Career certificate, because you may have to back to issue, translate and notarize.

For avoid this inconvenience, KICPC can help to get Career certificate by just one click. 

We can issue and translate the document in foreign language. 

In addition, we can translate various foreign languages to Korean or the contrary. 

  • European language

English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, etc.

  • Asian language

Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, etc. 

If you need other languages, Just contact to our address. 

To submit Career certificate, Notarization is demanded after translation.

Why translation and notarization is needed?

To confirm that translated document is identically same with original document. 

After notarized the document, that Career certificate which is private document is recognized a public document.

Depend the company or organization to submit the document, Apostille could be required. 

Apostille is a confirmation of use abroad the document. 

KICPC can issue, translate, notarize and apostille.

So if you have interest in Career certificate from Korea, Please visit our web site and ask anything!



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