
Philippine is Southeast Asia's only member of Apostille


Philippine is Southeast Asia's only member of Apostille

South Korean tourists topped the list with about 470,000 among tourists visiting the Philippines last year, according to the Philippine Tourism Organization. As such, it is a country that is familiar and well-known to us as a vacation spot such as Boracay and Cebu.

The Philippines has been recognized as the only Southeast Asian country to sign the Apostille Convention, making it easier to submit documents to the Philippines in the future. It is good news, especially for those who need a lot of documents such as studying abroad or emigrating.

What is Apostille? The Convention on the Elimination of the Request for Certification of Foreign Public Documents, which accepts documents issued by the local government as long as they are certified by the Foreign Ministry without further confirmation by the local embassy.

Until now, submitting documents issued in Korea to various institutions in the Philippines has had to go through complicated processes such as English translation, notarization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs certification (consul verification) and Embassy certification (red ribbon). The paperwork process, which had to be expensive and time consuming, was simplified due to Apostille.

But besides the announcement, the exact documentation process is not yet clear. If you are preparing for a trip to the Philippines for the upcoming summer vacation, or if you are thinking about studying abroad or immigration, you should check the necessary documents and procedures beforehand.

KICPC said, “In the meantime, the filing process has been complicated and difficult to submit documents to the Philippines. This will save money and time. Legal documents used internationally, including Apostille in the Philippines, have to go through the appropriate document processing process in each country, so you can get fast and accurate service with the help of professional institutions.”

KICPC is agency that can handle Apostilles in 118 countries around the world conveniently and quickly, as well as parents' travel agreements for their children's safe overseas travels. Also, they provide translation, notarization services called <delivery of translation> and also many other services that applicants can easily apply for just one-click.


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