
[Canadian Criminal History Certificate (RCMP) for application for residence permit and F4 visa, easy


Canadian Criminal History Certificate (RCMP) for application for residence permit and F4 visa, easy face-to-face issuance

KICPC available as a “one-stop service” of vital documents for overseas Koreans


On the 16th March, Canada announced that it would ban entry of all foreigners except for its own nationals and Americans. This is because there have been more than 2,000 corona virus confirmed cases, and confirmed cases have occurred in all 10 states nationwide. Beyond Asia, North America, South America, and Europe are rapidly spreading, and the restrictions on entry and exit of each country are gradually expanding.
Canadian citizen A, who had arrived in Korea urgently due to the fear of the corona outbreak, said, "To apply for an F4 visa and residence permit (foreign registration card) for long-term stay in Korea, I have to obtain and submit a Canadian Criminal History Certificate (RCMP). However I was in a hurry, so I couldn't prepare for it.” "In order to issue it, I have to go to Canada. But, as the immigration process in South Korea is strengthened, I’m worried about having trouble with re-entry into Korea. So I can’t do anything right now." he complained.
Each country's overseas criminal history certificate, which is called an inquiry form, can only be issued locally, so you must use your time to visit the country. In addition, overseas documents can only be subjected to complicated and demanding procedures such as translation, notarization, Apostille, and embassy certification after issuance. And it can take up to three months or more.
A staff from KICPC said, "KICPC delivers criminal history certificates directly, if people order them by the Internet and mobile app (non-face-to-face) with a few clicks. Even if people don't have a public certificate, computer or printer, they can issue and apply anytime, anywhere. And they can receive it by email too. KICPC provides multinational services from around the world for requiring documents in various fields such as studying abroad, immigration, employment, business trip, international marriage, and etc. So, KICPC can be a hope for many people who are in troubled with corona virus."



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