
NBI Clearance Certificate online


Happy Hump day to you! One more day till the holiday here in South Korea! ^^

Though we all are having a hard time under quarantine and we can’t do anything about it, holiday literally makes us feel awesome, right?

Today, I would like to give general information about how to obtain NBI Clearance especially for foreigners. 

Well, maybe some of you have been to Philippines for more than a half a year and the fact that you stayed in the Philippines for the consecutive six months means that you would need NBI Clearance Certificate. 

NBI Clearance Certificate is the primary document for visa application/renewal, immigration overseas, and international marriage etc. 

Then, is the NBI Clearance really essential for foreigners who have stayed in the Philippines?

Yes, the NBI Clearance guarantees that you are not committed any crime while inside the Philippines. 

Moreover, as an applicant in companies overseas has to be required to submit the NBI Clearance.

However, if you need to have the NBI Clearance overseas, you will run across a problem with getting it.

The NBI Clearance for foreigners may be issued by the right procedures. 

In order for you to obtain the NBI Clearance, you have to get it from the authority only(Philippines). 

So you should travel to the Philippines again and go back.   

But you don’t want to waste your time and money for the hassle things. 

We, KICPC, assure that you have the NBI Clearance Certificate with the quick and safe process.

With just a few click, you can get it. 

As a leader in the legal services industry, we promise our clients efficient and experienced service. 

More information, please click the link below. 

Web: http://global.allminwon.com/html/index.html 

email: apo@allminwon.com 

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