
KICPC can acquire ACRO police certificate in place of you


 Hi there! This is KICPC-!
We are troubleshooter, handling all the nuisances related to public documents in place of visitors! No matter where you are!
 Though we are still under virulent strain of the COVID-19, life has to go on. Indeed, many other countries who have decided to shut down all the economic activities are considering resumption. Given all this situation, I think it is the right time to solve your VISA problems since there are some countries who invalidates VISA.  
 To issue, extend or reissue your VISA, you need a criminal background check. Among all these, for UK VISA, you need to prepare ACRO police certificate whether or not you have a criminal record in United Kingdom. Let’s take a closer look step by step! 

STEP 1. What is ACRO?
 As mentioned above, ACRO police certificate is a criminal background check in United KIngdom. This is the document that proves your crime records but normally required to identification. 

STEP 2. Usage?
 ACRO police certificate are mostly for people who want to emigrate, require or extend a VISA to live, work abroad. 

STEP 3. How to issue & Preparations
 Go apply it at the link(acro.polcice.uk/police_certificates.aspx), complete the form and prepare as follows!
 1) Proof of your current address
 2) A recent passport photo (color)
 3) Color copies of passport / travel document / official photographic identity document
 4) Additional documents relevant your application
 5) A valid email address
 6) Your address history for the last 10 years
 7) Endorser details
 8) UK National Insurance and Driving License numbers if applicable

 1. ACRO police certificate is ONLY issuable in UK. If not in United Kingdom, you cannot but go through agency like us, KICPC.
 2. ACRO police certificate itself is not valid in foreign countries. It needs to get certifications from Embassy or Apostille certified. 

 If you decided to hand over all these complicated and picky stuff to agency, you need to be take care. Because to make things go, you need to submit the very private part of your personal information. But you can believe us, KICPC which is a leader in the document-related service industry. We are fast, accurate and trustful. We don’t betray on our customers. Moreover, KICPC can get Embassy or Apostille certification instead of you. 

 If you want more information or have some questions on our service, don’t be afraid to contact us!
 We are open to all! 

Contact details
 Web: www.global.allminwon.com
 E-mail: apo@allminwon.com

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