
How to Apply for International Driver's License in South Korea!


Hello! It’s KICPC. 

Today, we would like to bring information for foreigners travelling in the Republic of South Korea. 

Did you know that the Republic of South Korea is the nation that allows International Driver’s License for foreigners? 

Once you have your driver’s license that you have attained in your country, you don’t need to struggle to get a driver’s license in South Korea. 

All you have to do is apply for an international driving permit in a regional driver’s license examination office or visit a police station. 

Or you can also attain the international driving permit at Incheon Airport within 30 minutes. 

Before applying for the international driving permit, you have to bring a few items with you. 

-Passport (a copy is accepted)

-Original driver’s license

-Passport size photo (3.5 x 4.5 cm) OR a color photo (3 x 4 cm) as per standard size

-KRW 8,500

After you managed to receive the international driving permit, you must bring international driving permit every time you drive in South Korea. (NOT your foreign driver’s license is accepted.) 

And your international driving permit is valid for only one year after it is issued. 

But if you miss the chance to get it at Incheon Airport or don’t have enough time to drop by the office to apply for it, don’t worry! 

You can simply get it with just a few click on our website.

First, click the link below. 

( http://global.allminwon.com/html/index.html )

Second, click ‘CIVIL DOCUMENTS'

Then, you can see Cars/Machinery/Driving Police/soldier/court/prosecution section.


After that, check International Driver’s License and get it. 

That would be all for your effort.  

We will do our best to get your International Driver’s License on behalf of you. 

If you have further inquiries, feel free to contact us.

Web: http://global.allminwon.com/html/index.html

Email: apo@allminwon.com

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