
Brazilian Criminal Record? Free Consultation with us!


Hello, it’s KICPC. 

Today’s posting is written for Brazilians who are planning to work in Republic of South Korea. 

If you are going to work in South Korea, the company that you have applied for would require several documents such as report cards, birth certificate, and marriage certificate. Criminal Record Certificates would be the most difficult one you need to process. 

Since companies want to assure that you have no criminal records in the final process, only by submitting criminal record certificates you are innocent. 

Brazilian Criminal Record can be obtained only in the following way:

Drop by the Brazilian State’s Police

Certainly, it seems harsh to obtain Criminal Record Certificates because of the situation the pandemic caused around us. It is time-wasting to travel only for criminal record certificates. 

Nevertheless, here is our good alternative for you - You can get it online! 

At KICPC we provide quick, accurate, and reliable documents process service on behalf of you. 

Since we have qualified translators in the company, we can offer you our service without any delay. 

Click the link below to enter the website directly and have a free consultation with our specialists. 


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