[내 마음의 時調 2 – Korean Sijo of My Heart 2]
살가운 새봄바람 얼굴앞을 스쳐가고 / 3 4 4 4 (15)
뭇꽃들 앞다투어 하나둘씩 피어나니 / 3 4 4 4 (15)
오기는 오는가보다 따스한 새봄소식. / 3 5 3 4 (15)
English Translation
New Spring
A warm breeze of early spring brushes gently past my face, (15)
Blossoms bloom in eager waves, one by one in joyful grace. (15)
Spring has come, gentle winds whisper of the warmth anew. (3/5/7)
(Translation according to Sijo format: This maintains the 15-15-3/5/7 syllable structure while preserving the poetic essence of the original Korean sijo.)
A warm breeze whispers, soft and light,
Blossoms bloom in colors bright,
Springtime comes—a joyful sight!
(Free translation based on the semantics of an original Sijo)
Spanish Translation
Nueva Primavera
Una brisa primaveral roza dulce mi mejilla, (15)
flores brotan una a una, con colores de alegría. (15)
Llega ya, sopla el viento, trayendo la luz y el sol. (3/5/7)
French Translation
Nouveau Printemps
Une douce brise d’avril caresse un instant mon front, (15)
fleurs éclatent une à une, dévoilant mille couleurs. (15)
Voilà bien, souffle l’air, annonçant le doux printemps. (3/5/7)
Japanese Translation
やわらかき春の風 そっと頬をなでて (15)
花々が次々と 色づき咲き始む (15)
春来た、 風は舞い 暖かき光よ. (3/5/7)
2025年 3月 8曰