
Get your Belgian Apostille simply.


Hi, It’s KICPC. :)

It's already been a year and a half.

It's hard to enjoy the same free daily life 

as before because of the corona19, 

but let's cheer up and win this situation!

Belgium is famous for many things!

Like waffle, beer, art, etc….

when I go to Belgium someday, I want to go to the Rene Magritte Museum.

Anyway, today I’ll let you know about Apostille in Belgium.

Apostille is needed when you immigrate, 

get a job abroad, or study abroad.

Then, what is Apostille?

An Apostille is simply the name for a specialized certificate, issued by the Secretary of State. The Apostille is attached to your original document to verify it is legitimate and authentic so it will be accepted in one of the other countries who are members of the Hague Apostille Convention.

(source : https://www.internationalapostille.com/what-is-an-apostille/)

How to get an Apostille in Belgium?

In Belgium, the designated Competent Authority to issue an apostille is the Ministère des Affaires étrangères, du Commerce extérieur et de la Coopération au Développement.

(source : https://www.apostille.org/?project=belgium)

If you don’t have time to get an Apostille,

Or if you feel the issuance process is so cumbersome,


We offer great service.

We are a reliable brand that certified by the state and customers.

Thus, you can use our service with trust!

For more information


Office Hours: 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday 

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

 Email: apo@allminwon.com

Have a good day :-)

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