
Simple way to get an apostille on your documents in Spain.


Hello, It’s KICPC.

The art and architecture of Spain are very famous 

because of their long history.

Spain has produced artists that will remain in history 

such as Gaudi, Salvador Dali, and Picasso.

 I want to go to Spain to see these amazing things. :-)

Anyway, today I’ll tell you about an Apostille.

Did you hear about Apostille?

Maybe it's a little strange.

Apostille is…

An Apostille is simply the name for a specialized certificate, issued by the Secretary of State. The Apostille is attached to your original document to verify it is legitimate and authentic so it will be accepted in one of the other countries who are members of the Hague Apostille Convention.

(source : https://www.internationalapostille.com/what-is-an-apostille/)

A birth certificate, A graduate certificate, Diplomas, Criminal records

usually get apostilled.

How to get an Apostille in Spain?

In Spain, depending on the document, the place to visit will be different.

Public documents are issued by the Ministry of Justice.

Judicial documents are issued by the Supreme Court.

Notarial documents are issued by the Chamber of Notaries.

If you think this process is complex,

Or if you don’t have time to get an Apostille,

Use our service!!

We offer various services.

We are a reliable brand that certified by the state and customers.

So, you can use our service with trust!

For more information


Office Hours: 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday 

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

Feel free to contact us!

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