
If you want to get a Zapytanie o udzielenie informachi o osobie (Police Certificate) in Poland, feel


Hello, It’s KICPC.

How’s the weather today in Poland?

The weather in Seoul is cloudy.

Today, I’ll tell you about Zapytanie o udzielenie informachi o osobie

Did you hear about it?

Zapytanie o udzielenie informachi o osobie is the documents that proves your criminal record. 

Zapytanie o udzielenie informachi o osobie is required 

when you plan to work abroad, study in another country, 

get international marriage, etc. 

Then, how to get a Zapytanie o udzielenie informachi o osobie in Poland?

1. In case you live in Poland, and you are a citizen of Poland

You should apply at the National Penal Register of the Ministry of Justice, Krajowy Rejestr Karny ul (see Special notes and considerations for complete address), or at one of the information offices of the National Penal Register located in courts throughout the country.

2. In the case of you live outside of Poland, and you are a citizen of Poland

Applications are no longer accepted by Polish embassies and consulates.

You may apply electronically or by mail. You may also authorize a representative to apply for a certificate for you.

Because police certificates must be stamped with the Ministry Round Seal or stamped with the name seal of the person issuing the document to be considered valid, electronic certificates are not acceptable.

See the Ministry of Justice website (available in English and Polish) for more information on the application and authorization process for representatives.

(source : https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/medical-police/police-certificates/how/poland.html)

If you don’t have time to get your Zapytanie o udzielenie informachi o osobie,

or feel this procedure is quite difficult,


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