
Case By Case Guide To Get Moldova Apostille


Hi, it’s KICPC :-)

  Have you ever been to Moldova before? Moldova is one of the nations in East Europe and located between Romania and Ukraine. The most intriguing part of Moldova for me as a wine-lover is that it has the best and largest vineyard in Europe! You can have a bottle of wine just for 2 or 3 dollars  ! I might be drunken everyday if i live in Moldova..!   

  If you have stayed this heaven, Moldova, for some reasons like work or study, you may have heard about ‘apostille ‘. Because ,at least once, there occurs the necessity to hand in document from Moldova to your home country or some other countries if staying for a long time. And when submitting the document from one country to another, you MUST get certification on the authority of document.

  Apostille is one kind of that certification and indeed it is a French word which stands for certification. But the difference is that it is a simplified version of certification only available among countries joining Hague convention. Otherwise, you should process a more complicated one, embassy attestation. 

  Whether you should get apostille or embassy attestation, you should translate the document and notarize it to make sure the translation is reliable. Only after that, you can jump to the last step, certification, apostille or embassy attestation. But when it comes to apostille, you need to notice that the apostille is only available from the authority of the country that originally created the document. 

Let’s take a closer look at case A and B to make sure your understanding!

Case A

Hi! I worked in Moldova for 4 years but due to Corona i lost my job here. So i am planning to go back to my home country, Korea. Before leave, i am preparing some documents like career certificate In this case, can you tell me the details of certification process..? 

Since both Korea and Moldova join the Hague treaty, the exact process to certify the authenticity of your document is ‘apostille’. But before that, you should translate the document from Moldova in Korean and notarize it to confirm that your translation is right. Then, you get apostille on your document from the authority of Moldova given that the document is issued in Moldova. 

Case B

I once lived in Moldova for about 2 years to study but now i am currently in Korea due to Covid situation. Since i stayed Moldova, to get a job in Korea i have to submit criminal records in Moldova. I do have it but i forgot to get apostille. In this case, are there any other way to get apostille except returning to Moldova? 

In principle, there is no other way but to go back to Moldova. But there is one way, which is informal, looking for someone currently in Moldova to do all the paper works done for you 

. . .

But finding someone who can process paper works instead of you is difficult
 because the whole process is too burdensome to ask for.
 In that case, KICPC can make all the things for you-!
 Plus, as all paper works are annoying, so are apostille and embassy attestation.
 Nevertheless you are in the condition that you can handle it all by yourself, let KICPC handle those nuisances and be free!  
 We are professionals in solving document-related problems all around the world!
 We offer a service from issuing, translating, notarizing the document to getting certification 

and delivering it to you! 




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