
How to get a criminal record check(범죄수사경력회보서) without going to Korea!


Hello, It’s KICPC.

Today, I’ll tell you how to get a Criminal Records check without going to Korea.

I’ll be useful for overseas Korean definitely.

When you get a job abroad or study abroad, 

you may submit a Criminal Records Check.

But if you live in the outside of Korea,

getting a Criminal Record Check is not easy.

Then, what is a Criminal Record Check?

It’s a document that proves whether you have a criminal history or not.

It can be issued if you live in Korea for more than 6 months.

How to get a Criminal Record Check outside of Korea?

You should apply it from a South Korean National Police station in Korea.

You may ask your family members or friends to get a Criminal Record Check on your behalf.

But I think it can be complicated for your agent.

In this situation,


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Have a good day! :)

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