
Apostille for Austria, Legalizing Austrian Documents


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 We all know Beethoven and Mozart who are the legends of classic music!
 But do you know that Beethoven and Mozart were from Vienna, which is a capital city of Austria? Not only them but also many other world-class musicians like Brahms and Schubert were from Vienna!

 Thus Vienna has been regarded as the city of classic music for long time and many students with different backgrounds come to Austria to study music. However, this is not the only reason why students choose Austria. There are reasons like cheap tuition fee and well-established scholarship.  


BTW, these students in Austria may at least once experienced to send a document from Austria to another country or use it in another country. However, the document should be processed in specific ways, translation, notarization and legalization, to be in effect   Since it is to be used outside of Austria, you should translate all German in the document to the language that the foreign country uses. Then you ought to notarize the translation to prove the translation is reliable. 

After all that you can legalize the document, which is the last process before a document can be used in a foreign country. To put it in simple, the origin and authenticity of the original document should be confirmed so that the foreign country’s legal system will recognize it as valid and with full legal effect. 

There are two ways to legalize, which are Apostille and Embassy attestation.
 When both countries are the parties of Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, only provision of apostille by the authority of issuing country is enough. If not, you do embassy attestation, which requires a further confirmation from the correct authority of the country of destination.

 Thankfully Austria is a member of Hague Convention   Thus you can easily legalize the document when the submit country is also a member! 

 Since today’s post is on how to get apostille on documents from Austria, let’s look how to get apostille from Austria. 

 1. Pre-approval by Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs)
 location: Herrengasse 7,wien, Austria
 telephone: +43 1 531260
 web: bmei.gv.at (website of Federal Ministry Republic Of Austria)

2. Go visit legalization office(Legalisierungsbüro) nearby

When visiting the legalization office, you should make a reservation
 through beglaubigungen@bmeia.gv.at 
 Make a visit on the date you book to the legalization office nearby. 

 *** You can check more details on bmeia.gv.at (If you can’t speak German, you can change the setting in English! Don’t worry!)

Aren’t these things too complicated?
 Don’t you think it is time-consuming?
 You don’t have time to handle this?

 Then why not KICPC?!

KICPC is a professional agency that solves all the problems related to the document worldwide!
 KICPC offers ONE-STOP SERVICE from issuance, translation, notarization, legalization to delivery service !



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 WEB: global.allminwon.com
 Customer Support: +82 1090062182
 Office Hours: 9am-6pm, Mon-Fri




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