
FBI CHECK to Issue F-4 Visa.



Hi, it’s KICPC.

Due to Covid-19, many overseas Koreans want to get an F-4 visa.

So, today I’ll let you know about the F-4 visa application procedure.

Who can get an F-4 visa? ( American national standard)

1. A person who has acquired a foreign nationality as a person who holds Korean nationality by birth.

2. A person who has obtained a foreign nationality as a direct descendant of paragraph 1 above.

Then, what documents should you prepare?

1. An application for visa issuance

(It is kept in the official residence. You can also download it from the diplomatic offices 


2. ID picture (3.5㎜×4.5㎜, Filmed within the last six months)

3. Passport (at least six months of validity)

4. Evidence that Korean nationality has been lost or withdrawn.

- Basic Certificate, or Deleted Family Census Register

5. Police Certificate

- Apostilled Police Certificate of the country that you’ve lived for more than 6 months.

- Apostilled FBI Check

※ (Some people don’t need to submit FBI Check. 

If you want to know that, please check the website. I’ll attach the webpage address


6. Proof of Korean Language Proficiency Document (One of the following documents)

- KIIP(Korea Immigration & integration program) Pre-Assessment Result Scorecard (21points and above)

- KIIP Education confirmation (Level 1 or higher completion certificate)

- TOPIK Grade 1 or higher

- KSIF (King Sejong Institute Foundation) Certificate of completion for beginner 1B or higher course, etc.

※(Some people don’t need to submit Proof of Korean Language Proficiency Document. 

If you want to know that, please check the website. I’ll attach the webpage address


7. (Additional document) Covid-19 certificate

※ Only those who have been inspected within 48 hours prior to the date of application for a visa shall be admitted. Symptoms such as fever, cough, chills, headaches, muscle pain, and pneumonia must be recorded in the medical certificate. (whether form or not)

8. (Additional document) Agreement on Facility Quarantine. 

9. (Additional document) Health Condition Report Form

10. Commission fee US$45.00 (by cash)

11. The processing period is at least 14 days.

(Source : http://overseas.mofa.go.kr/us-hagatna-ko/brd/m_5501/view.do?seq=1164631&srchFr=&srchTo=&srchWord=&srchTp=&multi_itm_seq=0&itm_seq_1=0&itm_seq_2=0&company_cd=&company_nm=)

áIf you want to know more details, click this link.á

Hmm…. Police Certificate? Doesn’t it sound strange?

Did you hear about Police Certificate?

In the USA, Police Certificate is called “FBI Check”. 

Then, what is an FBI Check?

FBI Check is a document that proves your criminal history.

You can issue a Police Certificate if you’ve lived in the USA for more than 6 months.

Due to Covid-19, The refusal and restriction of entry and exit of each country are increasing. 

 Therefore, issuing FBI Check became harder due to Covid-19.

Furthermore, you have to go through this procedure for validating your FBI Check.

First, you have to get notarization after you issuing an FBI Check.

The next is getting an Apostille and translation.

Your FBI Check must be translated in Korean.

If you skip this stage, your FBI Check won’t be accepted.

Then, the notarization of translation is needed.

It must be processed by a notary lawyer.

Finally, you get the embassy certification.

Isn’t it so complicated and cumbersome?

Issuing FBI Check takes a lot of time because it needs many documents

But, don’t worry about it!

KICPC can help you!!

KICPC provides non-face-to-face service.

So you don’t worry about Covid-19.

Also, you don’t need to go to the USA.

You can save money and time by using our service

As we’re a very competent agency,

We can solve complicated issuing procedures perfectly.

You just visit our website and click some buttons!

We are a reliable brand that certified by the state and customers.

You can use our service with trust.

For more information


Office Hours: 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday 

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

 Email: apo@allminwon.com

Feel free to contact us! :)

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