
Renew Your International Driver’s License Without Returning


Hi, this is KICPC   

How are you doing?!

  Due to the constant spread of Covid-19, it is still cautious to go out  . Needless to say going abroad is a lot more difficult than before since two-weeks quarantine is a mandatory when you arrive the country to which you are to go. However, though Corona virus our lives go on and on, so that we cannot but to feel uncomfortable on this situation. 


  One example of being uncomfortable is renewing international driver’s license. International driver’s license is a license that makes a person able to drive in foreign countries following the Geneva Conventions. Its effective period is just a year, so that you should renew the license after one year to keep using the license. 

  To renew you ought to visit the police station where you get the original international driver’s license. If you are in a foreign country and in need of renewing the license, you should return or find a delegate who can do it for you. However, as I’ve just mentioned from the beginning, crossing the borderline is not that easy as before because of Covid-19. Thus in this situation, finding a delegate is the best option you have. 

  To reissue the international driver’s license through a third-party, there is a MUST to prepare. Of course, just as when you issued international driver’s license for the first time, you also prepare your passport and original driver’s license. But in this case, you must prepare ‘a power of attorney’ because you are asking someone else to renew your license, which cost you a lot of time. 

  However, it is no surprise at all that preparing all these stuff in a foreign country is not that easy. Also you may be reluctant to not only go abroad but also go outside to minimize contacts from the world outside of home. Indeed, many people use UNTACT services like delivering food and clothes to stay home and be safe from the infection to covid-19. If you are the one of them, KICPC is a perfect solution to you! 

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KICPC offers ONE-STOP service from issuing the document you need, no matter from which document is issued, translating, notarizing to legalizing! Then KICPC also delivers it to wherever place you assign to us or e-mail it if you want. 

Try our service! And stay home! Be safe!

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E-mail: apo@allminwon.com
 WEB: global.allminwon.com
 Customer Support: +82 1090062182
 Office Hours: 9am-6pm, Mon-Fri

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