
Quickly Get Turkish Document Ready To Use Outside Of Turkey!


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Turkey is known for its bridgehead location linking Asia and Europe. Because of this perfect location, many foreigners are in Turkey. Also because Turkey belongs to Europe students from non-European nations come to Turkey to study and enjoy the education privilege given by EU. Including these students and workers, foreigners who are staying in Turkey for long have experience to be asked to submit a Turkish document to a different country, mainly home country.

Then people may face a question,
 “How to submit a document from Turkey to other foreign countries?!”


Since it is a matter of a document crossing a borderline, there are some procedures you must go through before you use the document outside of Turkey. The procedures are translation, notarization and legalization in order.

1. Translation
Translate all the Turkish into the language of the country to which you submit the document. To not be denied, make sure the translation is done by a professional translator.

2. Notarization
 After translating, notarize the translation so that you can secure a reliability on that the translation matches with the original document and done appropriately. Also make sure to be done by a professional lawyer.

3. Legalization

After notarization, legalize the document. However, unlike former two steps this step might be unfamiliar to most of you reading this. Legalization means an administrative procedure which proves the authenticity of an official document, so that it is also called as ‘authentication’.

Since there is a Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents, so called Hague Convention, among the members of this Convention the legalizing process is simplified. Thankfully Tukey is one of them so if the counter country is also a member, all you have to do to legalize is getting an apostille stamp, which is getting a certification from the authority of Turkey, a document-issuing country. If not, you should get a reconfirmation on the certification from the authority of document-receiving country.

If you are outside of Turkey, you should find the third-party. What’s more, to legalize your document through a third-party, you should prepare a power of attorney and also get it translated, notarized and legalized.

“ Don’t you get mentally fatigued by thinking actually doing all this?! “

With KICPC, you don’t need to be tired at all!

KICPC offers ONESTOP SERVICE from issuance, translation, notarization, legalization
 to delivery to you!

 How to use KICPC to get ready Turkey ?! 


1. Click below and enter the web!

2. Click ‘Apostille’ on the menu bar above

3. Search the country you need down below the web
 (In this case Turkey)

4. Payment and Wait

Want more information? Contact Us!

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