
Support for foreign residents of Seoul's emergency living expenses. Application starts from 31st Sep


[Support for foreign residents of Seoul's emergency living expenses. Application starts from 31st Sep]

Foreigners living in Seoul can now receive Seoul's emergency living expenses on the same basis as Koreans. They can apply from the 31st of September.

However, they must have a status of sojourn that allows them to work and engage in profit-making activities, and must be at least 90 days after the head of household registered as a foreigner (resident report) in Seoul on the 27th September.

On the 26th, the Seoul Metropolitan Government announced a plan to pay emergency living expenses for foreign residents, including these details.

In order to receive emergency living expenses, income must be 100% or less of the standard median income. Depending on the number of household members, 2 or less people receive 300,000 won, 3-4 people receive 400,000 won, and 5 or more people receive 500,000 won.

A prepaid card with an expiration date of December 15th is paid per household.

The median income standard by the number of household members is 1,757,000,194 won for 1 person, 2,991,980 won for 2 people, 3,875,000 won for 3 people, 4,749,000,174 won for 4 people, 5,627,000,771 won for 5 people, 6 people, 6,567,368 won, 7 people, 7,389,715 won. In the case of 8 or more people, 883,000 won can be added for each additional person.

In March this year, Seoul Metropolitan provided a disaster emergency living cost of KRW 542.3 billion to 1.6 million households, but at the time, most foreigners were excluded from the support, and only married immigrants and refugees were included.

The city's late decision to support disaster emergency living expenses to foreign residents is the national human right that "a disaster emergency living expenses should be provided to foreign residents who suffer from the same hardships as Koreans with Corona 19 so that there is no infringement of their equal rights due to discrimination without reasonable reasons." It accepted the committee's recommendation of the June 10 decision.

However, foreigners and illegal immigrants residing with a qualification such as study abroad (D-2 visa) or general training (D-4 visa) or working in a business that is not permitted for their visa are excluded.

For example, overseas Koreans with an F-4 visa are not allowed in this visa (simple labor and speculative If someone are engaged in sex industry, etc.), they cannot receive support.

The application is made online and on-site, and a 5 sub-system for each day of the week is applied according to the ending digit of the applicant's birth year (last digit 1·6 for Monday, 5·0 ending for Friday, etc.). However, the 5th subsidiary system does not apply to online application on weekends.

Online application can be made from August 31st to September 25th on the website (http://fds.seoul.go.kr) of the 'Seoul City Disaster Emergency Living Expense Support' website.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government has decided to designate the Global Center and Migrant Women's Counseling Center as online application support centers (40 locations) in case foreign residents are unable to apply online at home or do not know how to apply.

The city of Seoul will also open an integrated multilingual consultation call center so that applicants can receive help.

On-site registration takes place between September 14th and 25th, during each weekday weekdays (9am to 6pm) in each district.

The application form can be downloaded from the website (http://fds.seoul.go.kr) and can be submitted together with the consent to collection, use and provision of personal information, health insurance qualification certificate, and alien registration certificate. If you are unable to submit a certificate of eligibility for health insurance because you do not subscribe to health insurance, you must provide the reason.

Seoul Welfare Policy Officer said, "Although this support for emergency living expenses for foreign residents has different nationalities, I hope that it will help a little bit in maintaining the livelihood of 95,000 foreign families living together in Seoul as a member of the local community." We believe that this measure will not only realize humanitarian equality rights for foreign residents, but also contribute to vitalizing the local economy.”

(Disaster Emergency Living Expense Payment Poster for Foreign Residents in Seoul (English Version) - provided by Seoul Metropolitan)




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