
KICPC provides ‘One-Stop Service' for Foreigners Disaster Emergency Living Expense Application Docum


KICPC provides ‘One-Stop Service' for Foreigners Disaster Emergency Living Expense Application Documents


-Issuance of required documents for health insurance qualification certificate and alien registration certificate


KICPC, which provides service for civil petitions around the world, is drawing attention from foreigners by saying that they provide a one-stop service for foreigners with a health insurance qualification certificate and foreigner registration certificate required for application of emergency living expenses.

As of the base date (August 27th), the Seoul Metropolitan is targeting households who have more than 90 days of foreigner registration or residence report to the city of Seoul, with a household income of less than 100% of the median income, and with a visa that allows employment/profit activities. They announced that they will aid “disaster emergency living expenses” to above households.


Online application is possible for 4 weeks from August 31st to September 25th, and on-site application will take place from September 14th to 25th at the place of alien registration or residence notification.

The documents need to be submitted together with the application, consent to collection, use, and provision of personal information, health insurance qualification certificate, and foreigner registration certificate.

Director of the Civil Affairs Issuance Team of the KICPC, said, "If foreigners use our service at a time when social distance is being implemented, they can issue documents without visiting us in person."

The KICPC is a very useful service for foreigners both at home and abroad. They can issue civil documents even without an accredited certificate, computer, printer, scanner, etc., In addition, they run a global civil petition document platform service and solve complex and demanding services such as notarization, apostille, consular verification, embassy certification, and provide overseas delivery in 150 countries at once with a few clicks.



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