
Certification of the Thai Embassy in India


Hi, good afternoon. This is KICPC!

This time, we will explain about the certification of the Thai Embassy in India!

There is a man living in India is leaving for Thailand for employment, business, etc.

The documents he has to submit to Thailand in advance must be certified by the Thai Embassy.

Is it possible to be certified by the Thai embassy in India?

Without going directly to Thailand,

if you want to make the documents be certified by the Thai Embassy in India,

What should we do?

<Procedure of Certification of the Thai Embassy in India>

1. You need to issue the necessary documents in India.

2. The documents must be translated into Thai or English.

Documents issued in India are in the language of the country, so they must be translated into

Thai to be submitted to Thailand. Translation should be done through a professional translator.

3. Your translated documents have to be notarized by a lawyer.

You need to be certified that the original and the translation are match.

4. Your documents must be confirmed by the Foreign Ministry.

5. The documents confirmed by the Foreign Ministry need to be certified by the Thai Embassy in India.

The embassy-certified document becomes a valid public document in Thailand.

Is there any easy way to handle this complicated embassy certification process?

KICPC will help you!

KICPC operates a one-stop service that handles translation and inspection by native speakers from 40 countries around the

world, substitution for notarization, certification of foreign ministries and embassies, and overseas delivery.

For more information

WEB, global.allminwon.com
 Customer Support, +82 1090062182
 Office Hour, Mon thru Fri, 9am thru 6am

Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions!

Thank you:)

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