
A certificate issued in Spain, how can it be used in Canada?


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Autumn has come completely in Korea.

What’s the weather like where you areJ?

In this post, we’re going to talk about ‘Certification of the Canada Embassy in Spain’.

12 Universities in Spain where You Can Study in English

Have you ever been to Spain?

The official name of Spain is ‘Kingdom of Spain’ and ‘Reino de Espana’ in Spanish.

Spain is located in western Europe and just below France.

Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world after English and Chinese, 

with more than 300 million people in Mexico, Central America, and the Philippine.

La Sagrada Familia; Hidden secrets & mysteries!

Basilica and Expiatory Temple of the Holy Family is a famous cathedral 

and tourist spot in Barcelona, Spain.

It is an architecture designed by Antonio Gaudi 

that began construction in 1882 and is still being built.

구엘 공원

Park Guell is also designed by Antonio Gaudi.

You can see Barcelona and the Mediterranean Sea at the spot.

Suppose you study abroad or work in Spain,

and you need to get a certificate to prove it.

However, if the certificate is a certificate to be submitted to Canada! 

What should we do?

For your information, Canada is not a member of the Apostille Convention!

That's why we can't get the Apostille.

Therefore, to make a certificate issued in Spain effective in Canada,

You have to go through the embassy certification process, not the Apostille certification!

So, let’s take a look at the certification process.

<Procedure of Certification of the Canada Embassy in Spain>

Step1. You need to issue the necessary certificates in Spain.

If you are studying in Spain, you should be issued a certificate of enrollment and 

if you are working at the company, 

you should be issued a certificate of employment.

Step2. Translate the issued certificate into English.

Since Canada uses English, certificates issued in Spanish must be translated into English.

Translation should be done through a professional translator.

Step3. Your translated certificates have to be notarized by a lawyer.

You need to be certified that the original and the translation are match.

Step4. Your certificates must be confirmed by the Foreign Ministry.

A notarized certificate must be certified by the Foreign Ministry.

You have to go through this step to get an embassy certification.

Step5. The certificates confirmed by the Foreign Ministry can be certified by the Canada Embassy in Spain.

The embassy-certified certificate becomes a valid public certificate in Canada.

Save important files in 1Password

This is the procedure of obtaining Certification of the Canada Embassy in Spain. 

However, the process is too complicated and there are so many things to do, right?

Don’t worry! KICPC can handle this problem!

KICPC can also handle the certification of the Canada Embassy in Spain!

KICPC operates a one-stop service that handles translation and inspection by native speakers from 40

countries around the world,

substitution for notarization, certification of foreign ministries and embassies,

and overseas delivery.

For more information

WEB, global.allminwon.com

E-MAIL, apo@allminwon.com

Customer Support, +82 1090062182

Office Hour, Mon thru Fri, 9am thru 6am

Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions!

Thank you:)

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