
What kind of embassies in Canada?


Hi this is KICPC!!

Today I'm going to explain Embassy legalization in Canada to you.

There are a lot of embassies in Canada.

KICPC has been contacting Embassies all around the world. 

By contacting  them, We provide embassy legalized documents.

If you are interested in this information,

Take a look!!

Available Embassy

KICPC can provide Canada documents 

with Korea, Spain, UAE, China, or Belgium  Embassy legalization. 

We are keep extending scope of available Embassy in Canada.

So if you have any questions related to this, Contact us!!

When do we need Embassy legalization?


People are finding needs of Embassy legalization 

when they try to find a job, to get a Visa, or to go abroad. 

Also, they need it when they need to submit documents 

such as criminal records and any other certifications abroad.

Why do we have to contact KICPC for the Embassy legalization?

(A is person who has moved to Spain)

"Let's imagine A has moved to Spain from Canada.

The company A has moved required Canada documents 

but A has no way to get Canada documents because of Covid - 19 virus.

By contacting KICPC, A could deal with the problem easily. 

He didn't have to go to Canada. 

Only by one click, A could submit documents to Spain company."

For this kind of situation, 

KICPC can help you.

IF you are looking for

Embassy legalization of Canada documents 

KICPC would be the answer!!

For more information


Office Hours : 9Am-6Pm Mon to Fri

Email : apo@allminwon.com

Contact : +82 2747 2185

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