
Looking for Criminal Records Extracts in Switzerland?


Looking for Criminal Records Extracts in Switzerland?




Hi! This is KICPC


Today, we are going to talk about how to get criminal records extracts 

as known as criminal record check in Switzerland.

What are Criminal Records Extracts?


Criminal Records Extracts are also called a criminal record check, 

police check, police clearance certificate, background check, etc.

The criminal records extracts in Switzerland are an official document 

issued by the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ).

It details whether or not an applicant has a criminal record in Switzerland.

When do you need criminal records extracts?

✔ When applying for a job.

✔ When applying for a firearms license.

✔ When applying for Swiss citizenship.

✔ etc.

The extracts from the Switzerland criminal records provide

the following information:

A private extract discloses all convictions relating to indictable and summary offenses 

committed as an adult until the expiry of certain periods of time.

How to get criminal records extracts in Switzerland with KICPC?


In general, you have to visit the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) by yourself.

However, it takes so much time and cost and it is hard for foreigners to visit 

Switzerland immediately to get it.

In this case, you can use KICPC to get criminal records extracts 

in Switzerland immediately and cost-effectively. 

We also provide express service so you can get it about 16+ working days.

*Please note that you may experience delays due to the Covid-19 outbreak.



1. Visit KICPC website


2. Click ‘Criminal Record Check’ on the top of the website


3. Choose the 'Criminal Record Issue with Apostille in Switzerland' 

and the option you need


4. Payment

KICPC is a global company specializing in 

Certificate Issuance, Translation, Notarization, and Apostille.

If you have difficulty in getting criminal records extracts in Switzerland, 

KICPC can give you the detailed instruction.


For more information,


Contact Info.


Office Hours: 9 am-6 pm Monday-Friday

Web site: global.allminwon.com

Customer Support: +82 2 747 2185

Email: apo2@allminwon.com


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