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How to get an Apostille in France


C'est quoi Apostille ?

Apostille issued by countries that are signatory to the Hague Apostille Convention is used to certify the authenticity of documents, so that these documents will be officially recognized in another country.

For example, if you accept a job in anywhere outside France, you will be asked to provide your degree. Before your degree will be accepted, it first needs to be apostilled to certify your ‘diplôme universitaire’ created in France

Most of Apostille concern the following documents :

birth certificate(acte de naissance), marriage certificate(acte de mariage), tax notice(avis d'imposition), university degree(diplôme universitaire), criminal record extract(extrait de casier judiciaire), et cetera

How to get an Apostille in France

French Apostilles are issued by several Court of Appeal(la Cour d'appel), so you have to submit your application to the Apostille department of the Court of Appeal on which the signatory of the act or the authority depends : the place of residence is not important.

For example, if you request an apostille on a criminal record extract, you must contact the Court of Appeal of Rennes.

Can you take care of Apostille on my behalf?

Yes, KICPC can certainly handle the process on your behalf. 

We’ve got loads of information on everything related to our Apostille process on our  website.

If you have any questions or need expert assistance, do not hesitate to phone us at +82 2 747 2185  or email us

We would be pleased to discuss your needs.

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