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Apostille in Canada



it is the second largest country in the our globe,

it has beautiful landscapes and unique travel sites.

There's the Rocky Mountains in the West of Canada. Then there's the Niagara Falls in Central Canada.

The Northern parts is impressive with great rivers flowing out to the Arctic Ocean and it is where polar bears

can be seen in the wild. This country is far too well-known, I believe no more explanation is necessary.

Now, if you have lived in Canada or if you are a Canadian;

and wishes to go elsewhere for a job or for academic purposes.

Notarizing documents is required. Wherever you go, it is required for you to

prepare documents to identify who you are and what you have done.

Let me explain.

For starters, issue the documents required regarding where you are to hand it to.

After getting all the documents required, it has to be translated.

If you are going to a country with a first language other than English,

translate your documents to the recipient's first language.

Please be aware that translation must be done through a certified translator,

not by a friend or family member or even yourself.

Notarizing your documents is the next step.

Now take all the documents that have been translated to a notary lawyer and notarize them.

After this, get it apostilled.

For those who doesn't know what an apostille is,

it authenticates the seals and signatures of officials on public documents such as,

birth certificates, court orders, university diplomas, or any other documents issued by a public authority

so that they can be recognized in foreign countries

that are members of the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty.

Getting this apostille stamp on your documents is required. It shows that your country approves of your docs.

In case of any conflicts you may face,


You can always visit KICPC.

We can guide you along the procedures and get it all done for you.

CONSULTATION, it is to help both the customer and KICPC

to specifically understand the requirements.

Then, ORDER is made.

After that, APOSTILLE is acquired.

Last, all the required documents are DELIVERED to your front door.



via email:

via email: +82-10-9006-2182

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