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Indian Apostille



There are so many reasons to why we need to visit India.

It is a place rich in cultural tradition and history.

The beauty in its architecture of its forts, palaces and temples.

It shows another dimension of human creativity.

There is no other place in the world like it.

And you can never leave out the culinary arts.

The origin of the famous curry.

Preparation for documents issued in India for other countries requires

a few steps. Depending on your purpose of departure, required documents may vary.

For instance, if you are leaving for an occupation or an education elsewhere.

You need background documents to prove who you are to the company or institute.

These documents are often your graduation certificate, report cards, or your license to a certain field.

Getting your documents translated and notarized is part of the procedure.

Also, apostille. This is a form of authentication issued to documents for use

in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961.

In general, after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassy legalization,

the reliability of the national document is verified,

but it is inconvenient in terms of time and cost.

As a resolution, without consular legalization through overseas consulates

among the member countries, Apostille was made. Which recognizes documents

with apostille as legalized documents.

To guide you through these procedures,

KICPC offers services in ways no other can.

KICPC is a global company specializing in

certificate issuance, translation, notarization, and apostille.

Also, the company provides services in 118 countries.

Do not hesitate to contact KICPC.

KICPC is ready to consult and guide you throughout the entire procedure.

And deliver your documents with stamps in no time.



via email :

via tel : +82-10-9006-2182

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