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도산 명언 모음 - 5


도산 안창호 (島山 安昌浩)

Dosan Ahn Chang-ho

1878. 11. 9. – 1938. 3. 10.


41.   잘못되면  잘못이 언제까지나 남는다

역사에 다소 관용하는 것은 관용이 아니요 무책임이니관용하는 자가 잘못하는 자보다  죄라.

43. 만일 너도 한국을 사랑하고 나도 한국을 사랑할  같으면 너와 나와 우리가  합하여 한국을 개조하자.  우리의 교육과 종교도 개조하고농업도 상업도 토목도 개조하고풍속과 습관도 개조하여야 한다.  음식·의복·거처도 개조하고도시와 농촌도 개조하고 심지어 우리의 강과 산도 개조하여야 한다.

44. 수령이나 인도자가 영웅이요 호걸이라도 추종자의 정도나 성심이 부족하면 아무 것도   없다.  수령이나 인도자가 나라를 망하게 했다 할지라도 악한 사람으로 수령을 삼은 일이나 악한 일을 다하도록 살피지 못하고 내버려  일은 추종자들이  일이다.  그런고로 일반 국민도 책임을 면할  없다.

45. 한국 민족 전체를 개조하려면  부분의  개인을 개조하여야 하겠고 개인을 다른 사람이 개조하여  것이 아니라 각각 자기가 자기를 개조하여야 한다.

46. 천병 만마(千兵萬馬)  이기기는 오히려 쉬우나  습관을 이기기는 어려운 일이니 우리는  일에 일생을 노력해야 한다.

47. 모든  일은 가장 작은 것으로부터 시작하고 크게 어려운 일은 가장 쉬운 것에서부터 풀어야 한다.

48. 나는 사람을 가리켜 개조하는 동물이라고 하오.

49. 먼저 힘써 일하고  후에 도와주기를 기도하라.

50. 나는 밥을 먹어도 대한의 독립을 위해잠을 자도 대한의 독립을 위해서  왔다이것은  목숨이 없어질 때까지 변함이 없을 것이다.

출처: 안병욱, 민족의 스승 도산 안창호.


  1. 41. Once wrong, the error will remain forever. 

  1. 42. Tolerating in history is not tolerant, but irresponsible, so the tolerant is more sinful than the one who does wrong. 

  1. 43. If you love Korea and I think you will love Korea too, let's renovate Korea together with you and me.  Our education and religion must be transformed, agriculture, commerce, civil engineering, customs, and customs must be transformed.  Food, clothing, and shelter must be renovated, cities and rural areas must be renovated, and even our rivers and mountains must be renovated. 

  1. 44. Even if the leader or leader is a hero and a bewitcher, if he lacks the righteousness or sincerity of his followers, he cannot do anything.  Even if the leader or the leader caused the country to be destroyed, it was the work of the followers that made him the leader of an evil person or left him unsearched for evil work.  Therefore, even the public cannot escape responsibility. 

  1. 45. To transform the entire Korean people, everyone in that part must be transformed, and everyone must transform himself or herself, not by another person. 

  1. 46. It is easy to beat a thousand soldiers on the horses, but it is difficult to overcome my habits, so we must work our entire lives on this. 

  1. 47. All big things should start with the smallest, and big hard things should start with the easiest. 

  1. 48. I refer to humans as transforming animals. 

  1. 49. Work hard first, then pray for help. 

  1. 50. I have been doing it for the independence of Korea even when I eat, and for the independence of Korea even when I sleep.  This will remain the same until my life is gone. 

Source: Ahn Byung-wook, Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, Master of the Korean People. 

도산 명언집 - Dosan's Words Collection 

(c) 2021

김상안 편집 / Edited by Sangan Kim

솔티 번역 / Translated by Solti

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