
도산 명언 모음 - 7 (마지막)


도산 안창호 (島山 安昌浩)

Dosan Ahn Chang-ho

1878. 11. 9. – 1938. 3. 10.


61. 일본은 자기 힘에 지나치는  전쟁을 시작하였으니 필경  전쟁으로 인하여 패망한다.  아무런 곤란이 있더라도 인내하라.

62. 나는 죽음의 공포가 없다.

63. 은둔하는 것이  일신으로 보면 가장 편안한 일이다.   쇠약한 건강 상태로 보아서도 그러하지마는  심신이 아직 활동할 기력이 남아있고 우리 민족의 현상이 우려할 형편에 있는  때에  일신의 편안이나 명성을 위하여 가만히 있을 수는 없다.

64. 내게  옳음이 있으면 남에게도  옳음이 있는 것을 인정하여서 남의 의견이 나와 다르다 해서 그를 미워하는 편협한 일을 아니하면 세상에는 화평이 있을 것이다.  그런데 우리나라에서는 예로부터 나와 다른 의견을 용납하는 아량이 없고 오직 저만이 옳다 하므로  혹독한 당쟁이 생긴 것이다나도 잘못할  있는 동시에 남도 옳을  있는 것이어든  뜻과 같지 않다 해서이를 사문난적(斯文亂賊)이라 해서 멸족까지 하고야 마는 것이 소위사화(士禍이었으니  악습이 지금까지도 흐르고 있다.  그러므로 우리는 서로서로 사상의 자유언론의 자유를 인정하고 존중하면서 비록 의견은 서로서로 다르더라도 우정과 존경에는 변함이 없음이 문명 국민의 본색일 것이다이리해서 우리나라에서 천만가지 사상과 의견이 대립하더라도 오히려 우정과 민족적 애정만은 하나일 수가 있으니 그리하면 사상의 대립은 서로 연마·발달하는 자극이   있고 서로서로의 존경과 애정은 민족 통일을 묶는 실이 되어서 안으로 아무러한 의견의 대립이 있더라도 외모나  민족의 운명이 달린 일에 대하여서는 혼연히 하나가 되어서 감연히 막아낼 수가 있을 것이다.   의견의 주장도 민족을 위함이어든 민족을 깨뜨려서까지  의견을 살릴 사람이 있겠는가?  그런데 사실은 그만 저라는 것에 눈이 어두워 민족이 아니 보이는 일도 있는 모양이니 가히 한탄할 일이다.  · 전쟁의 결과로 한국의 독립이 오지 아니 했는가?  그런데 우리는 그것을 지키지 못하지 아니 했는가?  구라파 대전이 또한 좋은 기회가 아님은 아니나우리는  기회를 우리 것으로 만들 힘이 없구나.

65. 죽더라도 거짓이 없어라.

66. 농담으로라도 거짓말을 말아라.  꿈에라도 성실을 잃었거든 통회하라.  

나라가 없고서  집과  몸이 있을  없고민족이 천대받을  혼자만이 영광을 누릴  없다.

68. 개인은  민족을 위해서 일함으로 인류와 하늘에 대한 의무를 수행한다.

69. 거짓이여!  너는  나라를 죽인 원수로구나.  군부(君父) 원수는 불공대천(不共戴天)이라 했으니 평생에 죽어도 다시는 거짓말을 아니 하리라.

70. 그대는 나라를 사랑하는가.  그러면 먼저 그대가 건전한 인격이 되라.  백성의 질고(疾苦) 어여삐 여기거든 그대가 먼저 의사가 되라.  의사까지는 못되더라도 그대의 병부터 고쳐서 건전한 사람이 되라.  

출처: 안병욱, 민족의 스승 도산 안창호.


  1. 61. Japan has begun a great war that is too much for its own strength, so it will eventually be defeated by this war.  Even if you have any difficulties, be patient. 

  1. 62. I have no fear of death. 

  1. 63. Staying in seclusion is the most comfortable thing in my life.  Even in the light of my weak health, I can't stand still for my own comfort or fame at this time when my mind and body still have the energy to work and the phenomenon of our nation is in a state of concern. 

  1. 64. If there is a right that has been made to me, there will be peace in the world unless you acknowledge that others have one right, and do not do the narrow work that hates him because the opinions of others are different from mine.  However, in Korea, there is no need to tolerate opinions different from those of the past, and only I am right, so that harsh party has arisen.  This evil habit continues to this day because it was a so-called Sahwa (士禍) that I could do wrong, and that it was different from mine because it was different from my will.  Therefore, while we recognize and respect each other's freedom of thought and freedom of speech, it is the true nature of civilized people that even though opinions differ from each other, friendship and respect remain unchanged.  Thus, even if tens of millions of ideas and opinions conflict in Korea, friendship and national affection may be one so that confrontation of ideas can be a stimulus to cultivate and develop each other, and respect and affection with each other bind national reunification.  In fact, even if there is any confrontation of opinions inside, we will be able to harmoniously unite and prevent the destiny of the whole nation in relation to the appearance or the destiny of the entire nation.  Whether the claim of for the sake of the nation, is there anyone who will save my opinion even after breaking the nation?  However, in fact, it seems that there are cases where the eyes are dark for being me, and it is pitied to know that there are times when it seems that I am not a nation.  Hasn't Korea's independence come because of the Sino-Japanese War?  But haven't we been unable to keep it?  The European War is also not a good opportunity, but we have no strength to make this opportunity ours. 

  1. 65. Even if you die, there is no lie. 

  1. 66. Don't lie even as a joke.  If you have lost your sincerity even in a dream, repent. 

  1. 67. Without a country, there can be no one house and one body, and when a nation is extolled, only alone cannot enjoy the glory. 

  1. 68. Individuals perform their duties to human mankind and heaven by working for their own people. 

  1. 69. Lie! You are the enemy who killed my country.  It was said that the enemy of the king and his father cannot live under the same heaven, so even if I die in my life, I will never lie again. 

  1. 70. Do you love the country?  Then first, become a healthy character person.  If you disregard the suffering of the people, you must be a doctor first.  Even if you are not a doctor, heal your illness, and become a healthy person. 

Source: Ahn Byung-wook, Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, Master of the Korean People. 

도산 명언집 - Dosan's Words Collection 

(c) 2021

김상안 편집 / Edited by Sangan Kim

솔티 번역 / Translated by Solti

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