
KICPC launches ‘one-stop service’ for documents required for applying qualification exam


KICPC launches ‘one-stop service’ for documents

required for applying qualification exam

The KICPC announced on 11th that they will provide a one-stop online service for issuing documents for the application of qualification exam for Elementary, Middle and High School.

According to KICPC, applicants can choose the document that they need through website. Also, they can receive documents anywhere they want and can receive as PDF file for print.

The qualification exam, which will take place on April 11, will start receiving applications with announcements on the website of each education office this month. "As the submission documents vary depending on the individual's academic background, applicants should carefully prepare the documents necessary to apply for the test," an official at the KICPC said.

▲Those who drop out of the middle and high school must submit certificates of Registration ▲Out-of-capacity management certificate among elementary and middle school compulsory education certificate ▲Certificates of exemption for those exempt from compulsory education in elementary and middle school ▲A graduate (completion, expected) of a three-year higher civic school, various schools equivalent to middle and high school, or a vocational training institute must submit a certificate of graduation (completion, expected).

For applicants who’s back from overseas, in order to gain recognition for his academic background, applicants must submit the original documents (all documents in foreign languages except English) issued in foreign countries through translation and notifying them in Korean. For schools that are not identified on the ministry's website, the relevant documents must be submitted after notifying them from the consulate or getting Apostille.

Especially, those returning from countries that do not join Apostille must submitted the original notarized documents according with Article 30 of the Overseas Diplomatic Notary Act. This documents also need translation and notarization and Apostille or consular verification.

The KICPC runs "Apostille Center," which can handle Apostille conveniently and swiftly from 118 countries around the world, and "translation of delivery," which can range from translation and inspection of languages in more than 40 countries to the local country's apostille, consular verification and embassy certification.


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