
[내 마음의 時調 3 – Korean Sijo of My Heart 3] 세상살이


[내 마음의 時調 3 – Korean Sijo of My Heart 3]


산골짝 눈녹아서 시내따라 흘러가고 / 3 4 4 4 (15)

뭇새도 어우러져 새봄맞이 노래하니/ 3 4 4 4 (15)

꽉막힌 세상살이도 풀렸으면 좋겠네. / 3 5 4 3 (15)

English Translation

Life in this World

Snow melts down the mountain path, flowing gently with the stream (15)
Birds all sing in harmony, greeting spring with joyful songs (15)
If only pain would soften, this hard life could breathe free. (3 / 5 / 4 / 3)

(Translation according to Sijo format: This maintains the 15-15-3/5/7 syllable structure while preserving the poetic essence of the original Korean Sijo.)

The mountain snow begins to slide, and streams awake below,
While birds rejoice in budding trees, their songs in sunlight glow.
If only life’s tight knots would break — and let the warm winds blow.

(Free translation based on the semantics of an original Sijo) 

Spanish Translation

La Vida en Este Mundo

La nieve baja al valle, con dulzura va al arroyo. (15)
Las aves cantan juntas, saludando al mes de mayo. (15)
Si tan sólo el dolor ceda, esta vida pueda fluir. (3 / 5 / 4 / 3)

French Translation

La Vie dans Ce Monde

La neige fond des monts, douce, suit le flot tranquille. (15)
Les oiseaux chantent l’unisson, saluant l’air d’avril. (15)
Si le mal pouvait s’apaiser, cette vie pourrait souffler. (3 / 5 / 4 / 3)

Japanese Translation


やまみねの雪とけ やさしく流れゆく (15)
とりたちは歌う 春へのよろこびを (15)
もしもね 苦がやめば このいのち 息つける. (3 / 5 / 4 / 3)

2025年 3月 9曰



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