
Simply order an Apostille for any documents required to teach English in Korea



Want to teach English in Korea?

All English teachers in Korea are required to meet the following standards. 

-Bachelor’s degree/diploma from an accredited institution

-Citizenship from a recognized English-speaking nation: 

U.S., U.K., Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa etc. 

-Clean national-level criminal record check.

 (FBI in U.S.) (Minor traffic violations will not disqualify you.)

-Clean health check and drug test.  

You should provide certain documentation 

required for legally teaching English in Korea. 

Mostly, you must get an international notarization known as Apostille. 

One of the documents you should receive an Apostille is 

criminal record check.

Criminal record check has a specific name 

depending on the countries where you have the citizenship 

such as FBI in U.S., AFP in Australia and RCMP in Canada etc. 

So kindly check what your country calls criminal record check!     

KICPC is pleased to help you obtain the criminal check, 

minimizing the inconvenient process.

We have been dedicated expanding document processing service

 as a leading company in Korea.

Optimized Processing Time, Safe Order System is our top priority 

as we consult with customers.

Whether in the US or Worldwide,

 we’ll get your documents to you wherever you may be via DHL. 

Well then, click the link to receive criminal check record in KICPC.


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