
The simplest way to get an Apostille in Japan


 If you have stayed in Japan more than six months, you might be asked to submit Japan official documents in foreign countries. That would be applicable for various procedures such as marriage, divorce, birth registration, visa application, incorporation or real estate purchase etc.


 Since Japan is one of signatory countries of the Hague Convention, apostille will be required to submit the Japan official documents. If you asked what apostille is, it is equivalent to legalization by the Embassy / Consulate of the destination country in Japan. It means you don’t have to go through a complicated certification anymore as long as the destination country is a signatory country of the Hague Convention. 

(Note that legalization may be required in some cases even if the destination country remains a signatory country of the Hague Convention.) 

 In order to get an apostille in Japan, you have to go back to Japan for a certification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the only way for an Apostille. But it would be such a hassle thing if you have to travel to Japan only for an Apostille. Moreover, the application desk of Certification section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Tokyo headquarters and Osaka Liaison Office) is closed to prevent the spread of COVID-2019.

You don’t have to fight over those complicated procedures. KICPC, a leader in the legal services industry, is here to help you obtain an Apostille. With such an easy and simple procedure, we will save your document processing time and energy. From Apostille to Notarization (if needed), we are glad to provide professional service for you. Safe order system and optimized processing time are our priority. 

Other than an apostille, we are also specializing services such as criminal record check, civil documents and translation.

Please check our website! If you have any questions, click the link and ask for help. 


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