
Do you want to work in Switzerland? Get your Excerpt from the Swiss criminal records


Hello, It’s KICPC.

A quarter of the Swiss population is foreigners.

Foreigners in the Swiss are the engine of economic growth

For foreigners to work and stay in Switzerland longer,

They will need a Criminal Records Excerpt.

Did you hear about Criminal Records?

It’s a document that shows your criminal history.

If you've ever committed a crime, It’ll be written on the document.

Then, how to get a Criminal Records Excerpt in Switzerland?

There are two ways to get it. By online or by mail.

If you don’t have time to go to the post office, and you have a credit card,

You can get Criminal Records Excerpt online.

But, if you don’t have a credit card,

You need to go to the post office to get the documents.

Getting a Criminal Records Excerpt requires many documents.

So, you have to check the required documents 

to get Criminal Records Excerpt.

Maybe you should search for information more carefully.

If you feel this procedure is so complicated,

or you don’t have enough time to deal with it,


We can help you to save time and costs.

We are a reliable brand that certified by the state and customers.

You can use our service with trust.

For more information


Office Hours: 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday 

Customer Support: +82 1090062182

 Email: apo@allminwon.com

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